Photo Challenge, Tiny: Floats like a Butterfly, Stings like a Bee

Calling this guy “tiny” might be risky.  He looks well nourished, but could be dangerous when hungry.  Take caution of his fighting stance.  He floats like a butterfly, but stings like a bee.

Photo Challenge:  Tiny 

Kensington Park, Michigan

Kensington Park, Michigan

14 thoughts on “Photo Challenge, Tiny: Floats like a Butterfly, Stings like a Bee

  1. Timelesslady

    I love squirrels, they’re naughty, but fun to watch. I’ve begun setting out a few black oil sunflower seeds every day for them. I throw a few on the bottom of my feeder, it makes a racket, and within a minute or two my pine tree dweller is there having a snack.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Tiny: Father Xmas | What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: It’s the Little Things That Matter | Lillie-Put

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