Photo Challenge: North Woods Footloose Pedestrian

The North Woods pedestrian, alert to the prevention of soil compaction and erosion, can use a walkway to visit an intimate locale of springs and brooks.

Photo Challenge:  Pedestrian 


Iargo Springs, Michigan

While there, stop to listen to the waterfalls…

iargo springs, Michigan

Iargo Springs, Michigan

and pause to contemplate the river which is the springs’ destination.

Au Sable River, Michigan

30 thoughts on “Photo Challenge: North Woods Footloose Pedestrian

  1. Pingback: WPC: Pedestrian…soooo bored | Lillie-Put

      1. Osyth

        I read Bill Bryson’s ‘A Walk In The Woods’ recently and one of the things that it clearly demonstrates as he comically and not entirely successfully tries to conquer The Appalachian Trail is that the US Forest Service are an example to all.


      2. Osyth

        Me too. I was contemplating his ‘Notes from a Small Island’ whilst walking just now. He has it right. The mess my homeland is in is entirely due to not accepting that in the end we are simply a small island … smart chap.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Pedestrian: Evening Walk – What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pedestrian | Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      This is one of my favorite places. Glad it brought back some good memories for you. How do you like monsoon? We don’t have anything like it. Actually, it has been drier than usual this summer, which means the colors won’t be as bright when the leaves turn.


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale | Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale | No Fixed Plans

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale | Here & Abroad

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Glow | Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

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