Let Me Introduce Myself

by Tom Schultz

Was there ever a time that I did not love writing?  If so, I can’t remember back that far.    A decade or so ago, along with other bracing  life changes, I started exploring fiction, memoirs, and creative nonfiction to complement my essays.  For me, writing is always about the melody and the rhythm, as well as the light and the image.
Around the same time, I went to law school as a “nontraditional” (read middle-aged) student.  After a couple stressful days in an auditorium at Michigan State University,  packed with 1,000 other folks taking a bar exam, I survived and joined the Michigan bar as a newbie lawyer.  I have  the opportunity to write a lot at the day job, but felt the need for  a place to express more creativity than is allowed within the four corners of a legal brief, and to share my feelings with others.  Voila!  Blogging.

When I began, I thought my posts would be all about writing.  Serendipity is a gentle goddess, though, and I soon rediscovered my passion for photography.  With the aid of my fellow bloggers, I have worked on presenting a vision and, hopefully, conveying a sense of spirit  through pictures as well as words.

So, what about the blog’s title?  Politics has always been my passion, but not what passes for politics in our time, poisoned as it is with partisan rancor.  No thanks, not interested in that scene.  Only as we as a society can reintroduce spirituality, in all its emanations and wonder, into the political process (in the broadest sense) can we really extricate ourselves from the swamp and find a path forward.  And it would surely help if we could in our journey find  faith between men and women, too.

The arts  suggest to us  the hidden potential for change in society.  In the distemper of these times, beauty can be subversive.   In  my writing and photos, I hope to evoke some of the  spirit in my favorite art, of all forms.

Thank you for stopping by.  Hope you see something here that you enjoy.  One of my favorite writing posts is here, and here’s a favorite photo post.  Your comments always welcome!

Tom Schultz

70 thoughts on “Let Me Introduce Myself

  1. Harry Gordon

    You are referring to the Candian Rockies in the summer, you know July & August. One does not want to be in, let ‘s say, Nordigg in January .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Suzann (Jushkewich)

    Hello Tom,
    I thoroughly appreciate receiving your daily posts. I really miss home when I see all these pictures. Additionally, makes me wonder why the heck I’m still working!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. freudandfashion

    I immediately followed your blog because your photos capture the beauty of Michigan (I have several friends from MI but I’ve honestly never been…and honestly the 1st word to pop up in my head re: my perception of MI, would not be “beauty,” however your photos convey this!). But your blog also echoes my mission of writing – a creative outlet that our serious professions don’t provide. Thanks for following as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Arl's World

    Hi Tom! Thank you so much for the follow on my blog and for commenting on my posts. I really appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to do so. I am now enjoying looking through your blog. Nature is my favorite thing to photograph and I love looking at all of your nature photos …beautiful! Great blog! I will continue to explore your blog and continue to enjoy your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Mélanie

    Voilà, indeed! 🙂 glad to have discovered your blogging zone via Génie… my very best, tons of inspiration and sunny greetings from Toulouse, France, “old Europe”… cheers! 🙂 Mélanie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      Glad you enjoyed my posts. Hope you will follow my posts in future and comment when the spirit strikes you. 🙂 I went to wikipedia to find out where Toulouse was, and it looks like an interesting place.


      1. emmakwall

        Thank you so much that’s a really lovely thing to say.

        But when I look at your blog I feel quite humbled 🙂

        It will take me a while to look through all your work, but I can’t wait to read more 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. JoHanna Massey

    Hello Tom Schultz. Thank you for choosing to follow my blog. I have been off the blogs for awhile as I am in the midst of big lifestyle/geographical changes…yesterday was my first post in awhile, and you are the first new follower to show up. Your “Let Me Introduce Myself” resonated with me, and now I follow you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      Humble your blog may be; interesting it definitely is. 🙂 Funny thing, about an hour ago I was telling someone in the office that “patience is a virtue,” and then I read it on your blog. Serendipity strikes again!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Ngobesing Romanus

    Hi Tom! Nice to meet you. I am happy to be here on your blog. Immediately I saw your picture I said to myself ‘Have I not seen this man on television in political debates?’ I follow American presidential debates quite closely and the debates are often lively though as you say, sometimes they are “poisoned with partisan rancor.” Bravo to you for this lovely site. I hope to come again and again. Best wishes. I am writing from Cameroon.


    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      Welcome and I do hope you continue to visit and comment when you choose. I hope you don’t judge the U.S. too harshly from what happens in our presidential debates. So much is just for show. For an alternative, you can always visit youtube and use the keywords John Kennedy or Robert Kennedy. Give it a try!


  8. Pingback: Real Neat Blog Award | xingsings

  9. Kim

    Hello — I came across your blog while looking at entries in the weekly WP theme. I love your photos, so crisp and clear, like I’m there while you take them. I especially love the one that you have as your banner photo. It’s always been my experience that the light in the northern hemisphere is somewhat less abrasive than what we have here in Australia. That’s why I loved seeing these photos. Best wishes from Brisbane, Australia.


    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      Thanks very much. Glad you enjoy my blog, as I do yours. Hope you’ll continue to visit and comment often. The photo is of a river about 200 miles north of where i live. My grandparents took me there for summer vacations long ago, so it brings back very special memories.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. ejovejohnson

    This is a really beautiful perspective. One of the most important books I’ve ever read in terms of shaping my political interests was “The Law” by Bastiat. It is almost a psychoanalytic view of the body politic and how people rule and are ruled. Lovely to “virtually” meet you, and than you for creating this space.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      I have heard of Bastiat, but don’t know much beyond his rep in economics. Your note and a quick glance at my treasured resource, Wikipedia, tells me that I should read more about him. Nice to make your acquaintance.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. saradoolittle

    I love what you wrote here…I couldn’t agree more about what you said about politics today and spirituality. So glad to experience your blog.


    1. Tom Schultz Post author

      Thanks very much for visiting and I’m pleased that you enjoyed the theme. I wrote the intro a couple years ago, but it seems more appropriate now. Aggression and hostility seem to have become dominant in politics, so that my ideas don’t fit the conventional definition of political at all. All the more reason, then, to continue expressing what I feel. As Thoreau said, “Every path but your own is the path of Fate. Keep on your own track.”


  12. JoAnna

    Beautiful possibilities here bringing spirituality into politics…in the broad senses of each. I love: “Serendipity is a gentle goddess.” And it’s mostly true, except when she jumps out of the bushes and yells, surprise!

    Liked by 1 person


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